In concept, any file can produce a unique Hash, and any changes made to the file can produce a different Hash. The main point of SIGN’s certification platform is that when an Original File or Document is recorded and digitally signed into the blockchain, the hash can be openly and easily verified. Our dApp is a perfect use for the following cases:

  • Contract (Multi-party)
  • Medical Certificates
  • Sustainable Registry (Carbon)
  • Diplomas
  • Invoices
  • New inventions and research
  • Proof Of Concept
  • Patent process
  • Digital creation for paternity
  • Digital work delivery
  • Know Your Customer (KYC)
  • And many more...




Educational institutions will be able to use Signature Chain’s platforms to dematerialize and automate the delivery of academic diplomas, online training and short-course certificates. Once complete, the recipient will be able to prove and verify the authenticity of diplomas and certficates. For example, an educational institution registers the certificate to the SIGN platform to get a unique hash (SHA-256). A person sends out the diploma to a third party, i.e. an employer. The third-party then checks, through the same platform, if the document will produce the same hash combination as the one issued by the educational institution. This process will prove the authenticity of the document as every document has its unique hash number.


Medical groups will use Signature Chain’s platform to issue medical and laboratory certificates. For example, a laboratory diagnostic is performed to a person as part of an insurance claim. The physician and/or laborator technician registers the result and finding to the SIGN platform for a timestamp and a unique hash (SHA-256). The patient can then prove the authenticity of his/her medical records to anyone, during an entire lifetime, by simply providing the exact certified document, where agencies can extract the same hash combination. The certification process provided in this example is based on the Medical sector, however the concept can be applied in other fields such as Real Estate, Art authenticity, etc.

Medical certificate


The idea is to use blockchains for patent and copyright registration, by capturing and attributing ownership as part of the documentation process. The most controversial issue for artists and inventors is proving who first conceived or created a concept or artwork, especially in court. However, there is no concrete way to prove the exact time an idea or concept came to mind. That is where proof-of-existence comes beneficial.


SIGN’s platform will also be used to sign multi-party contracts digitally. Once parties agree on a contract, issuing party can select the final contract and register onto the blockchain, to seal the document with a unique hash. Agreeing parties can verify the final contract using the SIGN platform, before signing the contract electronically.



Simplify the process of payment requisition by generating an invoice effortlessly, where any outward and inward remittance are recorded in the blockchain.


The wallet service is highly customizable and Waves Keeper powered. Available for any Waves based project, it can include certification options if needed.

Web Wallet
Data Certification


Some documents don’t necessarily need to be certified. However, entries and events are required to be timestaped in some cases, i.e. a registry. Any action from any external application, would simply call SIGN’s API to register and timestamp it into Waves Blockchain. By recording every detail (form requests, status changes and payments), changes are verified records and statement.


The basis is that emails can easily be denied receipt by deletion. For important emails specifically e.g. insurance,mortgage and contract notice emails, email certification can be beneficial. Sending email via the web wapp can register a unique message ID and timestamp onto the Blockchain. The sender and receiver both receives a copy of the email. The entry can corroborate against claim on non-receipt of urgent and crucial notifications.

Available on Waves DEX
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