About SIGN


Signature Chain (SIGN) aims to decentralize a mainly centralized procedure - document certification. Blockchain technology will be utilized to certify various amounts of files, videos, and many more.

Signature Chain’s platform will allow users to certify documents with ease, permitting users to confirm these documents with their digital signature created by a cryptographic hash function.

The use of Blockchain Technology will serve to eliminate any adverse factors in the certification process in conjunction with providing simplicity in the validation and certification of digital assets.


Signature Chain’s application was conceptualized and developed by Christophe Verdot, CEO of Digital Chain LTD, with the help of a dedicated and experienced team in Web Design, Web Development, Content Writting and Patent Processing. SIGN’s Community Manager and Marketer are constantly building connections and expanding operations. Our team is working endlessly to ensure we reach our goals.

Available on Waves DEX
Available on STEX
Available on SWOP.FI
Available on puzzleswap.org
Available on indacoin.io